Contact 1st Sergeant, Greg Belcastro, to join the infantry.
The 7th Regiment Infantry, NJ Volunteers recreates the actual Civil War 7th NJ regiment. We are proud to hold line company status in the 2nd Federal Rifles, and our impression seeks to teach the public the history and contributions of the original regiment.
We portray the following historical impressions:
Camp life of the soldier as he would appear during the years 1862 and 1863 including:
mail call
soldiers' daily past times
Daily regimental life from the jobs of captains, NCOs and privates.
Engage in reenactment battles
Exercise routine military functions such as:
roll call
dress parade
provost guard
We work in tandem with our fife and drum field music, field hospital, signal corp, 22nd United States Colored Troops, civilians, and headquarters to provide the most diverse Civil War Infantry living history possible. The members bring diversity, enthusiasm, and dedication to the preservation of the regiment's past.
Through living history, battle re-enactments, parades, commemorations, and lectures, our members seek to spark a new or renewed interest in our national heritage.
Although we strive for accuracy, we recognize that this is a hobby that must be balanced with our personal lives and commitments. Participation is never mandatory. It is your hobby to enjoy at a pace and level that fits your lifestyle.
Go to our Joining the Brigade page for more information.